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Nathan Max
Jun 1, 2020
United States in Turmoil
Civil unrest and mass demonstrations continued throughout the day and evening across the nation Sunday.

Nathan Max
May 31, 2020
America Set Ablaze
Demonstrations and violence have erupted across the nation, as an exasperated public expresses its anger at ongoing police brutality.

Lindsey Max
May 30, 2020
Brutality Protests in Washington, D.C.
Protesters take to the streets of Washington D.C., on Saturday afternoon, May 30, 2020.

Nathan Max
May 30, 2020
Nation Descending into Chaos
Civil unrest has engulfed the country, and we have no one but ourselves to blame.

Nathan Max
May 29, 2020
Lincoln Project Shows Dems How to Win
It has taken a group of Republicans to demonstrate the ruthlessness necessary to beat Republicans.

Nathan Max
May 29, 2020
Cop Protesters Get Gassed, Right-Wingers See Restraint
The difference between the way police dealt with protests in Lansing and Minneapolis shows everything you need to know about race relations.

Nathan Max
May 28, 2020
Stop Trashing Lance Armstrong
People need to quit hating him so much and remember how much good he did.

Nathan Max
May 28, 2020
Charges Required in Floyd Killing
Cops need to learn how to do their job without taking lives.

Nathan Max
May 27, 2020
Racists Must Face Repercussions
Can there possibly be a less intimidating individual than a Harvard-educated bird-watcher?

May 25, 2020
Mask Revolt Relic of Tragic Past
This is not the first time Americans have resisted covering their faces.

May 25, 2020
Honest Movie Review: Catching Fire
The Hunger Games' sequel brilliantly builds upon the original.

Lindsey Max
May 23, 2020
What happens when we die? A look into quotidian aspects of daily death.

Lindsey Max
May 23, 2020
An exploration of life at a strip club that strips away stereotypes about the women who work there.

May 23, 2020
Definition of 'Redskin' has evolved
NFL franchise's name is no longer offensive in today's culture.

May 21, 2020
Honest Movie Review: The Hunger Games
How a teenage drama sucks you in.

May 18, 2020
The War on Knowledge
There is a war on knowledge being fought in this country, and the ignorant are winning.

May 18, 2020
Naked and Republican
When reality television mirrors our political reality.
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